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' + floorPlanName + '
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'); $('.virtual-unit-info-panel .button_2').on('click', function(e) { f_analyticsSendEvent('floorplans', 'click-floorplan-panoramic-lease', floorPlanName); }); $('.virtual-unit-info-panel').hide(); $('.virtual-unit-info-panel .par-units').hide(); $('#floorplan-media-viewer #par_' + floorPlanId).show(); $('.see-available-units').off('click'); $('#floorplan-media-viewer').removeClass('unit-panel-open'); if ($('#floorplan-media-viewer #par_' + floorPlanId + ' .unit-container').length '); $('.see-available-units').on('click', function(e) { window.location.href = thirdPartyContactUrl ? thirdPartyContactUrl : 'Contact.aspx'; }); } else { $('.see-available-units').html('See Available Units'); $('.see-available-units').on('click', function(e) { f_showHideVtUnitPanel(); }); } } function f_expandMedia() { var url = $('#mediaDisplayContainer iframe').attr('src'); window.open(url, '_blank'); } function f_hideFloorPlanModals() { f_hideRichMediaViewer(); $("#dialog-overlay").hide(); $('#floorplan-zoom').hide(); $('#fp-zoom').flexslider("destroy"); $('.flex-zoom').remove(); $('.amenity-popup-lightbox').fadeOut(300); $('#videoDisplayContainer iframe').attr('src',''); //stop video $('#mediaDisplayContainer object').attr('data',''); //clear 3d pano $('#floorplan-video-viewer').fadeOut(300); $('#floorplan-media-viewer').fadeOut(300); $('#movein-date-dialog').hide(); }
Available Floor plans meet your search criteria
  • A1: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 480 to 480
  • A1: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 480 to 480
  • A1: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 480 to 480


Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 480

  • A2: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 608 to 608
  • A2: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 608 to 608
  • A2: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 608 to 608


Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 608

  • A3: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 744 to 744
  • A3: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 744 to 744
  • A3: Beds - 1: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 744 to 744


Beds: 1, Baths: 1, SQFT: 744

  • B1: Beds - 2: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 886 to 886
  • B1: Beds - 2: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 886 to 886
  • B1: Beds - 2: Baths - 1: SqFt Range - 886 to 886


Beds: 2, Baths: 1, SQFT: 886

  • B2: Beds - 2: Baths - 2: SqFt Range - 866 to 866
  • B2: Beds - 2: Baths - 2: SqFt Range - 866 to 866
  • B2: Beds - 2: Baths - 2: SqFt Range - 866 to 866


Beds: 2, Baths: 2, SQFT: 942

  • 3 Thousand One Crystal Springs - B3 - 2 bed - 2 bath - 1081 sf
  • 3 Thousand One Crystal Springs - B3 - 2 bed - 2 bath - 1081 sf
  • 3 Thousand One Crystal Springs - B3 - 2 bed - 2 bath - 1081 sf


Beds: 2, Baths: 2, SQFT: 1,081

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