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' + v.Name + '

' + '

' + v.Address + '
' + v.City + ', ' + v.State + ' ' + v.Zip + '

' + '

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' : ''; content += '

' + details.name + '

'; content += (details.rating != undefined) ? '' + details.rating + '' : ''; content += '

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'; content += (details.formatted_phone_number != undefined) ? '

' + details.formatted_phone_number + '

' : ''; content += '

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'; content += '
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' + v.Name + '

' + '

' + v.Address + '
' + v.City + ', ' + v.State + ' ' + v.Zip + '

' + '

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' + val + '
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3001 Crystal Springs, Bedford, TX 76021
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